I got my hair cut in layers- short- but the man messed it up.
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
well first of all wear it with confidence... even if it doesnt look good with confidence you'll pull it off... trust me ;)
and use hair spray to shape it to how you want or mess it up a bit... like the back comb effect.. it looks gfreat with layers hair and you cnt tell where the hairdresser hessed up
or you could get hair extensions but they are quite pricey =)
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
Put it up..or a hat always works or extensions
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
a hat
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
The best way to hide a bad haircut is to accept it and make it your own. You will have to deal with it until it grows out, so find something funky and go with it. :)
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
curl it and no one will ever know! or simply tie it up.
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
wear it in a pony tail or a bun. thats what i did. or you can get someone to fix it to a better hair cut.
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
go to a barbershop and get it shaved with shaving cream and straight razor. you will look sharp and classy bald-headed.
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
You could always put it up (if it's short, use bobby pins! They are little miracles.), or a hat always works. Maybe a silk scarf if you're into that sort of thing.
Is it possible to go somewhere reliable to get it fixed? If you still have hair left then there's more to work with! You can always go back to the place you got it cut at and tell them you're not happy with it. They should do it how you want, since you're paying for it!!
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
pony tails
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
Wear a hat or put in pony tails.
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
put it up in a ponytail or bun
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
i dont know why everyone is telling you to wear hats....because you cant. pull it back in a bun or a ponytail.
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
Try using a head band and comb back your hair - give it more volume maybe by combing it to the roots.
You can buy them in all kind of colours and make them match with your clothes... (I know this was not what you asked for but I think it's look cute..)
I recommend this if you don't feel comfortable wearing a hat all the time as I don't..
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
pony tails are the BEST for that, just buy tons of bobby pins and put your hair in a cute up do.
you can do fun things with it too, like using a thin black rubber band and then after securing it wrapping a bit of your own hair around the pony so it looks like thats whats holing it up. perfectly simple to find a stray strand to wrap with especially with layers. it looks really sleek. Wear headbands too, those are fun.
and usually after a week of your own showering and styling it starts to grow out a tiny bit and mold into a cuter hairstyle, so thats good.
half back can look good too cause u can pull up all the bad layers and leave the longest one down so it looks like thats the length of all the hair.
you could even try buying those extensions that Jessica Simpson makes, they seem to work really well. and im pretty sure theyre inexpensive.
and hats, of course =]
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
put your hair up or wear a hat. i think you should use a hat its better...
How do I cover up a bad hair cut?
Put it in up or in a bun or wear a hat.
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