Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

i have really long hair...almost to my butt and my mom thinks its too pretty to let me cut it. How can i make her let me get it cut a little shorter.

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

Tell her you have headaches all the time from it because it is so long and heavy.

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

How old are you? If you can drive or if there is a place nearby you can walk to just go get it done!! If she hates it, tell her it will grow back. Maybe if she thinks it's so pretty she should grow her own hair long and let you do what you want!

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

remind her that it is your hair and you have a right to do with it what you want. but dont say it all argumenty, say it with respect and make it sound reasonable. tell her why you want to cut it, like its too long to do anything with or its hard to manage. if you are calm and reasonable she'll probably come to your side eventually.

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

why would you wana? it is stated that hair iz powerful n God didnt create women to be manular,... so im guessing itz sumwhat like a sin,.... i also think hair can be an attractive point

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

go get it cut yourself and don't ask her, or have a friend cut it

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

take a pair of scissors and cut it..make sure you cut it uneven lol.then once your mom sees what it looks like she's going to be a little upset then she will get over it....then she will schedule you a apt with a stylist to cut it into a style....

My mom wont let me get my hair cut?

yep, the headache excuse.......

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