Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

Doesn't it grow from the roots?

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

It doesn't grow faster, it just stops breaking off at the ends.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

because all of those dead ends stop the hair from growing

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

It does not make it grow faster.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

It does grow from the roots. I think we should say that cutting of the dead ends of the hair makes your hair grow OUT faster. Split ends tend to run up the shaft of your hair, so the more you get them trimmed, the more hair you get to keep in the long run.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

yeah, it grows from the roots. Just try it, it works. that's all.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

Clever, you are! It doesn't grow any faster, but (1) it looks thicker and healthier and (2) it removes the split ends, which unchecked, will just split further and further. Most people should "freshen" the ends of their hair every 2-3 months.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

cause it make your hair shead and it don't grow

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

simple my wife and last three girlfriends were beauty operators so here goes all hair unless in the scalp is dead it needs the blood and oxegen to live the hairs die as they grow out and we torture them and break and split the ends now the hairs grow about an inch in a month if healthy and we cut the ends off at a half inch and that m,ake sthem clean and neat or we let the ends slit and oil teat them and then style cut the longer hair

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

Your hair grows from the roots and cutting your split ends is not going to make your hair grow faster JUST A MYTH. but it will approve your hair by preventing it from breaking or causing anymore damage such as Frizzing. Mayo and beer is great for your hair try it.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

It doesn't make your hair grow any faster -

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

Yes, it does grow from the roots. But, everytime you brush your hair, or shampoo it, or rub it with a towel, microscopic pieces of hair break off (which is why the bathroom is so dusty). If the ends are "fresh" this does not happen.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

Contrary to popular belief, Cutting your ends does not help your hair grow faster! The reason for trimming your ends is because whenever you find these split ends is because if you do not trim them, You will cause the ends to continue to split up the hair shaft. Causing unwanted damage and "Fly aways" Cutting your ends does not help your hair grow, However, It does help whenever you are finished growing the desired length because you will not have to cut the damaged pieces! :)

Good Luck With Growing Your Hair Out!

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?



Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

I think its because when you have dead ends your hair keeps splitting off shorter and shorter. If you get it trimmed then you don't lose any length and it will grow!!!!!

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

Hair grows from the roots..it just looks healthier when you trim it.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

I think that may remove split ends and broken hairs, which may cause your hair to break off, therefore keeping it healthier, but nothing you do to the ends of your hair is going to make it grow faster, that comes from inside.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

it doesn't grow faster, but if you neglect your split ends, you will find out that they will split all the way up the shaft and you will have to cut much more off in the long run to look good.

Why do they say cutting off the dead ends of your hair makes it grow faster?

It does grow from the roots. Cutting off the ends will not make it grow faster. There is really nothing that you can do to make it grow faster, but by trimming the ends you can keep it in better condition so it is not splitting and breaking off.

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