Sunday, July 26, 2009

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

am guessing that if you pull hair out of the roots- the hair becomes finer.... so if you cut the hair- it appears to be thicker

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

Neither pulling it out or cutting will thicken hair. A shorter cut can give the illusion of thicker hair. Everyone's hair is different.

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

cutting it because its like when you shave, its thicker at the root so it grows out thicker.

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

Pulling out hair repetitively may deaden the follicle and not allow hair to grow after time. Cutting hair to make it thicker is an old wives tail. A good conditioner will give the appearance of fuller hair, well...until you wash it that is.

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

everyones hair is different duh what kind of question is that

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

Don't pull hair out at the root, it will not grow back thicker. Cutting hair will only take longer for new hair to grow and replace it. You should be using a good hair strengthener or hair thickener product. Hair becomes stronger and fuller if you use the correct quality products and take care of your hair. You must either deep condition or use a leave-in, and you must get your hair trimmed (1/4-1/2 inch) every 6-8 weeks for healthy continuing growth. All hair is not exactly the same. Some people have baby fine hair and others have ranges from course hair to average hair. Some people (mostly white) need products that reduce oiliness, while blacks, biracial and some Latinos or some South American people need products that moisturize well.

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

When a new hair grows, it is tapered at the end (has to be to get through the skin), when it is cut, it has a flat end with the illusion of being thicker - even though it isn't. Only cosmetics can thicken the appearance of hair by coating it with whatever chemical gunk.

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

by pulling your hair out doesn't make it thicker everyone has 3 types of hair course, medium and fine hair you pull it or cut it the hair is going to come back exactly the same... people that have fine hair and it looks thicker is all about how you get your hair cut w/ layers.

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

cutting it i think because when if u think back to wen uv had ur hair cut, the tips always feel thicker dont they?? anyway good luck!!

What makes hair thicker pulling it out at the route or cutting it? and why? is all hair the same?

cutting and i dont know why

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